Your mind, your choice

Your mind, your choice

Investigator: Associate Professor Kelly Allott

If you could choose your ideal treatment and support regime for mental ill-health, what would that be?

Researchers at Orygen want to know which treatments for mental ill-health young people like, dislike or don’t really care about.

What does the study involve?

You can help by completing our online survey. The survey should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.


Survey respondents will go into a draw to win one of 25 $20 vouchers.


The survey is open to young people who:

  • are 12-25-years-old;
  • live in Australia; and
  • are currently engaged, or have previously engaged, with mental health services.

Complete the survey


SEP v7 221020. HREC/66097/MH-2020