What was going on when you started thinking of suicide, Brooklyn?
For two years things really sucked. I was unwell and experiencing bipolar disorder, psychosis, unemployment and homelessness; I had a family breakdown and my long-term relationship had ended. The thoughts of suicide came and went but I never acted on them.
Wow, that is a lot… I’m sorry you had to go through that. What stopped you from acting on your thoughts?
Each time the thoughts crossed my mind, I spoke with my psychologist who was able to support me and help me get through it.
Sounds like your psychologist really was your mental health teammate! Did anyone else help?
Yeah, that’s exactly how I think of her! I’ve also been to the emergency department and was hospitalised in a youth inpatient unit. The mental health nurses at the hospital were all just gems.
My friends who are my chosen family kept me alive. My best friend slept by my side for five nights to keep me safe.
I’m glad to hear you were well supported by different people 😊
I’m so grateful for all of them. I did a lot of work to get myself to a good place through therapy, self-care and reflecting on how far I had come. I have not had suicidal thoughts in two years, but it might happen again, and I’m getting better at managing it every time.
By the time I’m 50 to 60 years old, I’m going to be the most overqualified crisis survivor, but I’ll still be here.
It sounds like you’ve really invested in yourself, and it’s nice to hear how optimistic you are about your future!