Orygen Global formally launches

Orygen Global formally launches

2 September 2021

On 8 July, Orygen Global had approximately 400 participants from around the world, join international mental health advocates and experts, on a panel discussing accessing the right universal language in describing and managing mental health.

COVID-19 has presented a unique opportunity to prioritise youth mental health and build momentum in ensuring it’s on the international agenda. Now is the time of young people - leading conversations on all sorts of topics - and mental health is no exception.

And Orygen Global takes their responsibility seriously - focussing on the mental health of young people, globally.

Orygen Global exists for two reasons: first, to help communities design, implement and evaluate youth mental health services that make sense in their contexts; and second, to elevate the importance of youth mental health on national, regional and global agendas. To that end, we are working closely with partners toward youth mental health system development in local contexts – including education, stigma fighting, advocacy training, and development of organisational strategies with considered theories of change, monitoring and evaluation plans, and opportunities to share learnings and network.

"Orygen Global seeks to change the way the world thinks about young people and their mental health. Orygen Global works in partnership with young people as well as local and international organisations – including the World Economic Forum and UNICEF – to assist in the development of local services that meet community needs. Young people should have access to mental health supports when and where they need them," Professor Patrick McGorry, Executive Director, Orygen

Orygen Global envisions a world in which all young people, everywhere, enjoy optimal mental health as they grow into adulthood. We believe young people should be able to achieve healthy, productive, contributing and fulfilling lives, irrespective of their resources or those of their communities.