Orygen Recovery (YPARC)

Orygen Recovery (YPARC)

Orygen Recovery


Orygen Recovery is a youth mental health service designed for and with young people aged between 16–25. It is a Youth Prevention and Recovery Care (YPARC) centre, providing services to young people across Victoria who are experiencing mental ill-health.

Orygen Recovery fills an important gap between community services and acute inpatient mental health services.

Located in Parkville, a young person can stay at Orygen Recovery for up to 28 days, dependant on their needs, and a stay can be finished earlier if required.

What is a YPARC?

YPARCs are community-based residential facilities that provide a short-term 'step up' from the community for a young person to work on recovery goals or to prevent an admission to hospital, or a 'step down' from hospital to further assist with recovery and safe transition home.

Orygen Recovery is for young people who have experienced significant clinical and/or psychosocial symptoms and are now on the road to recovery. They may benefit from short-term residential support as a result of experiencing functional impairment associated with significant mental health problems, mental illness and/or complex disorders (including co-morbid substance use disorders), emotional and behaviour problems or significant psychological distress.