Orygen Global

Orygen Global


Building on Orygen’s 25-year knowledge of developing new programs and models of care for young people, Orygen Global is supporting countries and communities around the world to implement programs and supports that meet the mental health needs of young people locally.

Watch a short video on Orygen Global with Director Craig Hodges below.



Over the next three years, Orygen Global will achieve this through:

  • Partnerships: securing strategic partnerships with key local, national and international organisations which will support the implementation of new youth mental health initiatives.  Orygen Global will leverage opportunities to work with governments, international organisations, civil society organisations and private sector partners to improve young people’s mental health.
  • Advocacy: informing and influencing the global policy agenda and increase investment in youth mental health.
  • Active youth participation: ensuring young people and their families are active participants in all aspects of Orygen Global’s activities and those of our partners, seeking young people’s input and feedback at all stages of program development, implementation and evaluation.
  • Connections: through our global networks we’re connecting those working to support youth mental health initiatives in a wide range of sectors and settings.
  • Monitoring and evaluation: our activities are designed and implemented using a developmental evaluation approach. This recognises the importance of adapting programs to the circumstances of complex environments and is particularly useful when developing new innovations, adapting programs to emerging conditions, countries and cultures, modifying approaches for use in new ways, and developing scalable innovations.

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