STEP study

STEP study


Commenced in 2016, the STEP study (Staged Treatment in Early Psychosis) is one of Orygen’s biggest research projects. The study is supported by a large team of clinicians and researchers, who work across five headspace sites in Melbourne as well as the Orygen Youth Health PACE (Personal Assessment and Crisis Evaluation) clinic.

The study aims to test the effect of a sequential treatment approach for young people at risk of developing a psychotic disorder. This means providing help-seeking young people with a sequence of three treatments, depending on whether the young people has a good response to each stage of treatment.

The results of this study will assist with providing the best possible care in the future for young people who may be at risk of developing a psychotic disorder. It may also help us understand why some people’s symptoms and functioning get worse over time and why other people’s improve.

The study is funded by the US National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).