Orygen welcomes the statement released today by the Victorian Labor Party on their commitment to supporting the mental health and well-being of Victorians.
The Royal Commission into the Victorian Mental Health System, committed to and delivered through the Andrews Government, has set out the road map of reforms needed to rebuild the mental health system. The funding commitments in recent budgets have put Victoria in a position of leading the country through recognising the serious level of investment needed in mental health.
The implementation of local well-being services across the state and the ambitious workforce targets described in Labor’s announcement today are important steps to ensure adults across Victoria can more easily access the mental health support they need.
Professor Pat McGorry, executive director, Orygen has commended the commitment, saying “this is another brick in the wall in rebuilding Victoria’s Mental Health System guided by the landmark Royal Commission and powered by new investment from the Andrews government. The workforce boost announced today is urgent and an essential source of ‘renewable energy’ for the task ahead.”
Orygen looks forward to hearing more from the major parties in the lead up to the Victorian election day on their commitments for young people. A further 13 child and youth area mental health and well-being services were recommended by the Royal Commission, along with additional youth inpatient beds. It’s crucial that work to establish this system for young people is prioritised by the next Victorian Government to address the rising tide of mental ill-health that we are seeing among this age group.