Orygen welcomes the Australian Government’s $8.5 million investment in supporting lived experience, including $7.5 million to establish and operate two new independent national mental health lived experience peak bodies.
The Minister for Health and Ageing, the Hon Mark Butler MP and the Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention the Hon Emma McBride MP announced that the two new bodies will provide a voice for those who live with mental ill-health, as well as those who support them.
At a time when young people are facing a growing mental health crisis, these new bodies will ensure that their voices, as well as those of their families, remain at the centre of decision making about the mental health system into the future.
Orygen has consistently recommended, supported and valued the inclusion of lived experience, and particularly the lived experience of young people, in the development of any mental health and suicide prevention policies to ensure that what is developed and delivered responds to their specific experiences, service and support needs and help seeking preferences.
Further, the importance of recognising and responding to the needs of family members and supporters of young people has also been identified in our own service delivery and policy reports focused on family inclusive practice and family peer support.
Orygen looks forward to supporting the two new peak bodies and ensuring that young people are well represented within their important work.
Read official media release here.