News And Events

News And Events

 Special Symposium: Advances in Early Intervention for Depression and Psychosis in Youth
04 Apr 2017 - Special Symposium: Advances in Early Intervention for Depression and Psychosis in Youth

Orygen was delighted to host esteemed international guests, Professor Ian Goodyer from Cambridge University (UK) a...

 Farewell to our summer interns
15 Mar 2017 - Farewell to our summer interns

A big thank you to our Summer Intern’s Bree, Zoe, Jonah and Boyd who spent four weeks at Orygen understandin...

 Primary Care in Youth Mental Health Forum
14 Mar 2017 - Primary Care in Youth Mental Health Forum

Orygen invited Primary Health Networks (PHNs) from all over Australia to attend a forum on Youth Mental Health on ...

 Genetics and the onset of mental illness symposium
14 Mar 2017 - Genetics and the onset of mental illness symposium

Orygen had the pleasure of holding a special symposium on Monday, 27 February, on the topic of ‘Genetics and...

 World-first study shows 70s mood stabiliser lithium outperforms its modern equivalent
06 Mar 2017 - World-first study shows 70s mood stabiliser lithium outperforms its modern equivalent

Orygen, The National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health in partnership with Deakin University hav...

 Special Symposium on Suicide Prevention
10 Feb 2017 - Special Symposium on Suicide Prevention

To compliment the release of Orygen’s policy paper, ‘Raising the Bar for Youth Suicide Prevention&rsqu...

 Welcome to our summer interns
10 Feb 2017 - Welcome to our summer interns

The second ever Summer Intern Program began on Wednesday 1st of February where we welcomed four young p...

 Youth Early Psychosis Program Workshop
10 Feb 2017 - Youth Early Psychosis Program Workshop

The leadership of all of the Youth Early Psychosis Program (YEPP) sites from across Australia came together with r...

 Youth Takeover Day 2017
10 Feb 2017 - Youth Takeover Day 2017

To celebrate the incredible contributions of young people to the work of Orygen, members of the Youth Advisory &am...

 Federal Minister for Health Visits Orygen
09 Feb 2017 - Federal Minister for Health Visits Orygen

Orygen was delighted to host The Hon. Greg Hunt MP, Minister for Health in early February to discuss his vision fo...

 Fish oil now shown to be ineffective in preventing the development of psychosis
08 Dec 2016 - Fish oil now shown to be ineffective in preventing the development of psychosis

A world-first, large-scale international trial shows omega-3 fatty acids to be ineffective in preventing the devel...

 Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Vocational Programs commence at headspace Sunshine and Glenroy
08 Dec 2016 - Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Vocational Programs commence at headspace Sunshine and Glenroy

Gina Chinnery and Dr Magenta Simmons were recently successful in their application for Orygen to become part of th...