MOST began as the Moderated Online Social Therapy research project more than a decade ago. It’s now an award-winning digital service supporting thousands of young people across much of Australia’s east coast, with international partnerships as well.
Developed by Orygen Digital, the technology arm of Orygen, our flagship program connects the best of research, innovation, technology, creativity and clinical care to make the latest evidence-based mental health support widely available and engaging for young people using digital technology.
Our supporters
MOST is backed by strong partnerships with local and international academic institutes so we can continue to evolve MOST to meet the changing needs of young people and youth mental health services.
MOST is funded through government and philanthropic sources who trust the partnership between Orygen Digital and youth mental health services will deliver MOST to as many young people experiencing mental ill-health in Australia as possible.

The Victorian Government provided $6m in 2020 to fast track the roll-out of MOST across the state. In 2021, a further $12m was granted to boost MOST’s reach in Victoria over the next two years. In the 2023/24 Victorian Budget, a further $6m was committed to support MOST in Victorian mental health services.
A $1m grant from the Telstra Foundation has also helped improve the technology behind MOST. MOST is currently available to young Victorians through 95% of participating Victorian headspace centres and specialist youth mental health services.
MOST launched in Queensland in February 2022 with funding from the Queensland Government, Children’s Hospital Foundation and Brisbane PHN. The state Government and the Children’s Hospital Foundation have pledged to make the platform available through seven Queensland Hospital and Health Services and partnering headspace centres.
A $1.5 million investment from the NSW Government allowed for MOST's introduction in NSW in early 2022, where it is currently available through seven NSW Local Health Districts and five headspace centres.
The ACT government is also supporting Orygen Digital’s work with $7.5m to help roll out MOST to young people across the ACT. MOST is available through referral from the Canberra and Tuggeranong headspace centres and seven teams in Canberra Health Service’s Child and Adult Mental Health Service. It is also available through the Catholic Care Youth Wellbeing Program, marking the first time MOST has been implemented in a service to specifically address supporting young people too unwell for primary care, but not unwell enough for state-based services. Services went live in the ACT in April 2023.
Find participating services here.
Orygen Digital is led by Professor Mario Alvarez-Jimenez.