Early psychosis: first episode psychosis

Early psychosis: first episode psychosis


The First Episode Psychosis program builds on earlier work at the Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre. It is focused on understanding the biological and psychosocial factors associated with the early symptoms and first experiences of psychosis and mania.

Why is this research area important?

Psychotic illnesses often begin in adolescence and early adulthood just when young people are finishing their education, entering the workforce, and establishing themselves as independent adults. These illnesses can have serious repercussions. If psychosis is detected and treated early in young people who are at ultra-high risk, many problems can be prevented.

Key questions

- Which are the most appropriate interventions for those with early psychosis?
- In what sequence should these interventions be offered?
- Which are the most effective ways to promote full recovery for young people who have experienced a psychotic episode?