Self harm and suicide

Self harm and suicide

The self-harm and suicide in youth mental health training package is designed to build the skills, knowledge and capacity of non-clinical professionals to understand and support young people who are at risk of self-harm and suicide.

The package also incorporates the importance of self-care and exploring the impacts of burn-out and compassion fatigue on professionals working with at risk young people. 

Audience: organisations, services and professionals working directly with young people.

Overview of training:

  • background and evidence into youth self-harm and suicide
  • engagement and communication skills (and working with families)
  • risk assessment and responding effectively
  • self-care.

Length of training: one day, suitable for virtual platform or face to face workshop.

For more information link to Orygen's self-harm and suicide resources.

If you'd like any further information about our training services please email or complete and submit the Training Packages Request Form.