Youth mental health the focus as Victorian election nears
18 Oct 2018 - Youth mental health the focus as Victorian election nears

With the Victorian Government election now only six weeks away, Orygen has been calling on all political parties i...

 Using new technologies to address old problems in youth mental health.
11 Oct 2018 - Using new technologies to address old problems in youth mental health.

The potential of online platforms and mobile applications for treating and providing recovery support to young peo...

 Supporting young people to return to education and training receives funding
09 Oct 2018 - Supporting young people to return to education and training receives funding

Young people with mental illness who require assistance with reconnecting to or staying in education will benefit ...

 Self-injury patterns could predict suicide attempts among people with borderline personality disorder
01 Oct 2018 - Self-injury patterns could predict suicide attempts among people with borderline personality disorder

Research into self injury among young people living with borderline personality disorder has led to Dr Holly Andre...

 AI could be used to predict outcomes for people at risk of psychosis and depression
27 Sep 2018 - AI could be used to predict outcomes for people at risk of psychosis and depression

Machine learning, also known as artificial intelligence, could be a useful tool for predicting how well people at ...

 Victorian voters demand better access to mental health services for young people
24 Sep 2018 - Victorian voters demand better access to mental health services for young people

Victorian voters demand better access to mental health services for young people

 Clinical neuropsychological assessments needed in all headspace centres to improve client care
24 Sep 2018 - Clinical neuropsychological assessments needed in all headspace centres to improve client care

More than a third of young people presenting to headspace centres would benefit from a clinical neuropsychological...

 headspace Glenroy joins community in tackling youth crime
24 Sep 2018 - headspace Glenroy joins community in tackling youth crime

headspace Glenroy has joined a consortium of services set up to address youth crime in the north-west of Melbourne...

 The gratefulness effect of volunteering
21 Sep 2018 - The gratefulness effect of volunteering

Young people who volunteer experience a clear improvement in feelings of gratitude, an Orygen study has found.

 headspace Glenroy celebrates 10 years
21 Sep 2018 - headspace Glenroy celebrates 10 years

headspace Glenroy has celebrated 10 years of supporting young people in Melbourne’s north-west.

 Youth peer work perspectives captured in new book on peer work in mental health
12 Sep 2018 - Youth peer work perspectives captured in new book on peer work in mental health

Orygen staff members have contributed a chapter to a new book that examines the current practice and future challe...

 Funding welcomed for dual projects to improve mental health outcomes for young people
06 Sep 2018 - Funding welcomed for dual projects to improve mental health outcomes for young people

The leadership of Orygen, the National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health, has welcomed today’s ...