Executive Leadership Team

Executive Leadership Team

Professor Patrick McGorry AO picture
Professor Patrick McGorry AO

Professor Patrick McGorry is the Executive Director of Orygen, Professor of Youth Mental Health at The University of Melbourne, and a Director of the Board of the National Youth Mental Health Foundation (headspace). His work has played a critical role in the development of safe, effective treatments and innovative research into the needs of young people with emerging mental disorders, notably psychotic and severe mood disorders. He has also played a major part in the transformational reform of mental health services to better serve the needs of vulnerable young people.

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Professor Mario Alvarez-Jimenez picture
Professor Mario Alvarez-Jimenez

Professor Mario Alvarez-Jimenez is a Senior Research Fellow at Orygen and Chief of Orygen Digital. Mario has pioneered the use of online social media to foster long-term recovery in youth mental health.

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Chrissy McCallum picture
Chrissy McCallum

Chrissy has extensive commercial and financial experience spanning more than 20 years across multiple industries and geographies including financial services, energy, aviation and technology.

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Professor Andrew Chanen picture
Professor Andrew Chanen

Professor Andrew Chanen is Chief of Clinical Practice. Andrew’s research, clinical and training interests lie in prevention and early intervention for severe mental disorders, principally personality disorders, along with mood and psychotic disorders.

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Dr Leanne Geppert picture
Dr Leanne Geppert

Leanne has an accomplished career as a leader of people, services and resources in the mental health and human services sector, and holds the position of Chief of Clinical Operations with Orygen.

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Professor Eóin Killackey picture
Professor Eóin Killackey

Professor Eóin Killackey is Chief of Research and Knowledge Translation and and Head of the functional recovery research program at Orygen. He has worked as a clinical psychologist in adolescent and adult public mental health settings and in private practice.

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Kerryn Pennell picture
Kerryn Pennell

Kerryn Pennell is Chief of Strategy and Engagement at Orygen. She and her team are responsible for leading Orygen’s strategy and policy development and building key relationships and partnerships in Australia and overseas.

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Pam White picture
Pam White

Pam is responsible for our People and Culture function, which encapsulates our employee experience, volunteer engagement, youth participation and First Nations teams.

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