Professor Sue Cotton
Professor Sue Cotton picture
Head, Health Services and Outcomes Research

PhD, MAppsSc, MPsych, GradDipAppSc, BBSc(Hons)

Professor Sue Cotton is the Head, Health Services and Outcomes Research.

As a National Health and Medical Research Council Career Development Fellow, Sue’s current work is focused on measuring change and progress in young people with mental illness, and particularly those with first episode psychosis, in order to improve outcomes.

Sue is also currently involved in a number of different therapeutic trials for psychiatric disorders such as first episode psychosis, personality disorder, bipolar disorder and substance use.

Before coming to Orygen, Sue worked in research positions in academic, allied health and mental health settings. She has had leadership roles in the evaluation of youth mental health services and the development of new research programs and clinical trials in youth mental health.

Research Interests

First episode psychosis, personality disorder, bipolar disorder, substance abuse.