#chatsafe: a young person’s guide for communicating safely online about suicide (August 2018)

#chatsafe are world-first, evidence-based guidelines on how young people can engage in safe peer-to-peer communication online about suicide.

This webinar will focus on the development of the #chatsafe guidelines and how they are being brought to life in partnership with young people through a national suicide prevention social media campaign.

Who is this webinar for?

This webinar is for clinicians, researchers and other professionals who work with young people in health, community and suicide prevention sectors, including teachers, media and communications professionals and students.

What will you learn in this webinar?

  • How the #chatsafe guidelines were developed
  • An overview of the #chatsafe guidelines
  • How the guidelines are currently informing a national suicide prevention social media campaign co-designed with young people


Dr Jo Robinson

Dr Jo Robinson leads Orygen’s Suicide Prevention Unit. Jo’s work focuses on improving our knowledge about the best approaches to reduce suicide risk among young people. This includes developing programs, testing novel approaches that specifically target at-risk youth, and translating research findings into practice and policy. She currently coordinates several research projects locally, nationally and in partnership with overseas collaborators. Jo has also been involved in the development of several government-commissioned community resources and has contributed to numerous advisory panels and expert committees.


Zoe Teh

Zoe Teh is a youth advisor for Orygen’s #chatsafe project led by Dr. Jo Robinson and has recently completed a Bachelor of Arts Degree with Honours in Psychology, at the University of Melbourne. Her Honours thesis was part of a large longitudinal study at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute investigating changes to post-concussive symptoms in young children aged between 5 to 12 years admitted to the Royal Children’s Hospital. She is currently working as a tutor at the Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences. Zoe is passionate about destigmatising mental health and promoting help-seeking for young people and their families.