CANCAN study

Investigator: Professor Paul Amminger
The CANCAN study aims to work out whether cannabidiol (CBD), an investigational product, can reduce symptoms in young people with inadequate response to anxiety treatments. It will also look at whether CBD improves other symptoms including depression, substance use, as well as social and occupational functioning and quality of life.
For more information on cannabidiol please read our FAQs below.
What is an anxiety disorder?
Anxiety disorders are among the most prevalent mental health conditions in young people, affecting seven per cent of adolescents in Australia. These include generalised anxiety disorder, social anxiety, panic disorder, specific phobia, agoraphobia and separation anxiety disorder. Symptoms vary for different individuals, but can include feeling anxious, nervous, tense, or restless. They may feel very sensitive to criticism or extremely self-conscious. They may worry about things that aren’t likely to happen. These symptoms may cause them to avoid difficult or new situations that make them anxious, to be withdrawn, and they may have more difficulty than usual coping with work, school or relationships.
Current treatments for anxiety in young people include cognitive behavioural therapy and antidepressants. Yet, some young people do not respond well to these treatments. It’s these young people who have tried treatment, but not found it to be wholly successful, who are being sought for this study.
What does the study involve?
Study participants will be randomly divided into two groups:
- Group one will take 600mg – 800mg of cannabidiol per day for 12 weeks.
- Group two will take a placebo (no cannabidiol) each day for 12 weeks.
Participants will be required to attend five appointments with researchers, during which they will answer questions about how they have been doing, and provide blood, hair and urine samples.
Participants will be reimbursed for time taken to attend appointments, and expenses incurred in order to take part in the study, such as parking or transport costs (between $25-$50 per visit).
Young people who are experiencing anxiety and are aged 12–25 years, who have tried treatment and found this treatment to be unhelpful may be eligible to participate in this study.
Anxiety disorders include generalised anxiety disorder, social anxiety, panic disorder, specific phobia, agoraphobia, and separation anxiety disorder.
See FAQs below for more information.
Eligible participants from across metropolitan Melbourne and Perth will be enrolled in the study through the Orygen Clinical Trials Unit in Parkville.
Young people or their carers can contact the study team directly by emailing [email protected], or by completing this brief survey, or a young person can be referred to the study by their GP or mental health clinician.
Current clients at any of the centres listed below, who meet the eligibility criteria, can participate in the study. If a young person appears to be eligible, a research assistant may approach them to ask if they would like to take part in the study.
- headspace Midland (Perth, Western Australia)
- headspace Osborne Park (Perth, Western Australia)
- headspace Joondalup (Perth, Western Australia)
- Youth Axis (Perth, Western Australia)
- headspace Craigieburn (Melbourne, Victoria)
- headspace Melton (Melbourne, Victoria)
- headspace Glenroy (Melbourne, Victoria)
- headspace Sunshine (Melbourne, Victoria)
- headspace Werribee (Melbourne, Victoria)
For more information about this study and cannabidiol please read through our Frequently Asked Questions below.