THINK study

THINK study

The THINK study: Identifying cognitive impairment in youth mental health care

Investigator: Dr Isabel Zbukvic

This study will investigate youth mental health worker experiences of identifying cognitive impairment, including barriers and enablers to screening cognition as part of routine practice.

What does the study involve?

Participants are invited to take part in a 10-minute online survey, and those currently working in Australia are invited to participate further in a one-hour interview.


Survey participants have the option to enter a prize draw for completing the survey and interview participants will be reimbursed AUD $45 for taking part in a one-hour online interview.


Participants must currently work directly with young people (aged 12–25) in a mental health care role; and have training in evidence-based mental health care – minimum Certificate IV or equivalent in a health or related area. Participants do not need to be experts in cognition or cognitive impairment to take part.

To take part in an interview, participants must currently work in Australia.


Participation in the study is completely voluntary and researchers will ensure participants have all information about the study before they provide consent.

To take part, click HERE.

This work is funded by the University of Melbourne Early Career Researcher Grant Scheme. Orygen works with the Centre for Youth Mental Health at the University of Melbourne to deliver research and innovative mental health care for young people.
