Fact sheets

Fact sheets

Recovering from psychosis and young people

Recovery is not just about reducing and eliminating the symptoms of psychosis, but also recovering in other important aspects of a person’s life. It’s the process of getting well, or of finding a way to live with psychosis that allows a young person to have a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Getting help early for psychosis and young people

The first time someone experiences an episode of psychosis can be confusing and distressing. Behavioural and emotional changes associated with psychosis can be concerning because of a lack of understanding about what’s happening. This lack of understanding often leads to a delay in seeking help, which means this treatable condition is sometimes left unrecognised and untreated.

Psychosis and physical health and young people

Physical health is important for good mental health. Improving your diet and doing regular exercise can help you feel good, be more confident, and help your general wellbeing. Exercise and eating well are especially important when taking anti-psychotic medications. Medications are important to help you get better, but for some people, they can also have side effects, like putting on weight.

Helping someone with psychosis and young people

It often distressing to see someone experiencing psychosis. Whether it is shock, confusion, guilt, or anger, there is no right or wrong way to feel. It’s easy to mistake the very early phases of psychosis for the normal ups and downs that young people go through – this is what makes it difficult to recognise the problem.

Psychosis and young people

‘Psychosis’ is a term for a range of symptoms where a person’s beliefs, thoughts, feelings, senses, and behaviours are altered. Psychosis can cause someone to misinterpret or confuse what’s going on around them. An episode of psychosis is a period where someone has more intense or severe symptoms of psychosis that last for more than a week and that interfere with their day-to-day life.