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After gaining experience in advertising, I transitioned to specifically working with a disability social enterprise. Driven by a desire to make an impact, I find fulfilment in helping others in various ways. I believe that mental health should become a priority in the journey of life for everyone because it is just as important as physical health to live a balanced and fulfilling life.

There are many talented people with disabilities who have shared their stories and experiences with me, which has broadened my perspective and deepened my appreciation of their resilience and determination. However, due to social stigma and discrimination, they often face barriers to accessing opportunities and resources that could help them thrive and reach their full potential, and one of their main barriers is the lack of motivational counselling.

The purpose of my EmpowerMinds project is to amplify mental health support and awareness, specifically tailored for youths with disabilities. The project aims to address the unique challenges they face and empower them to lead fulfilling lives through improved mental well-being.