

Introduction to early psychosis rationale and principles and the EPPIC model

This module provides the rationale and principles of the EPPIC model in early psychosis treatment. It will provide an overview of why early detection and intervention are important in early psychosis, and how the EPPIC model works. This module is the basis on which you will develop further knowledge and skills for working clinically with young people experiencing a first episode of psychosis and their families and friends.

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Case formulation

This module addresses case formulation in early psychosis. You will work through the evidence base associated with case formulation, the aetiological case formulation concept, and challenges inherent in this approach. Practical advice to case formulation for young people with first episode psychosis will also be provided.

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Introduction to biopsychosocial assessment in first episode psychosis

In this module, we will be exploring the perspectives of young people and their families, and how to take these into account during initial and ongoing biopsychosocial assessment.

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Assessment in practice

This module explores some of the more hands-on aspects of assessment in early psychosis and appraises some of the skills needed when assessing young people.

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Family work

This module explores a framework for family work in early psychosis treatment for young people.

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Family work: targeted interventions

This module is designed to help early psychosis services incorporate family work into their approach to working with young people experiencing early psychosis.

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Introduction to cognitive behavioural therapy

This module introduces the cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) model and outlines the rationale for using CBT with young people experiencing early psychosis. It demonstrates some core cognitive behavioural techniques and outlines the common co-morbid difficulties that are experienced by young people with first episode psychosis.

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Home-based care and outreach in early psychosis

This module explores home based care and outreach in early psychosis. Topics covered include the rationale for the intervention; the use of the intervention across all phases of psychosis; understanding the decision making process; understanding the challenges of the intervention; and applying this knowledge to case scenarios.

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This module provides an overview of the theory underpinning engagement in the therapeutic relationship. It will provide opportunity to develop more specific skills in building useful therapeutic alliances with young people and their families during treatment.

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Comprehensive assessment of at risk mental state

This module aims to develop understanding and skills for using the Comprehensive Assessment of At Risk Mental States (CAARMS) tool.

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Understanding psychosis

This module has been designed for people who work in secondary and tertiary education and primary care including community health settings who provide support to young people. It will provide you with information about psychosis that will help you begin to understand this complex illness and how to provide support to a young person experiencing it.

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Working with young people at ultra high risk for psychosis

This module introduces the concepts of at risk mental state and the criteria used to identify young people at ultra high risk (UHR) for psychosis.

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