Managing complex self-harm in young people (February 2016)

Self-harm is a symptom of distress, and can be associated with a wide range of problems. This webinar will focus on how to work with complex and chronic patterns of self-harm that can be particularly challenging for clinicians.

The information in this webinar is current as at February, 2016.

Who is this webinar for?

Clinicians and professionals in primary care, mental health, and human services settings who work with young people.

What will you learn in this webinar?

  • The seminal and recent literature on self-harm

  • Evidence-informed principles of management of self-harm

  • Challenges of working with complex and chronic patterns of self-harm

Prior knowledge or reading

A knowledge of basic risk assessment skills will be required to make best use of the content in this webinar.


Louise McCutcheonDr Louise McCutcheon, Clinical Psychologist, Orygen, The National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health
Dr Louise McCutcheon is a Clinical Psychologist and joint founder of the evidence-based early intervention program for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), Helping Young People Early (HYPE). She coordinated the Orygen clinical program for 12 years, and has been involved in research projects, including a randomised controlled trials of interventions for BPD in young people. She teaches clinicians and works with services both locally and internationally, to develop early intervention services for young people with BPD and associated problems.