Introduction to physical health in early psychosis

Length of Module

This module will take approximately 90 to 120 minutes to complete.


This module focuses on the common physical and sexual health issues in young people experiencing early psychosis and the interventions used to address them. Knowledge of these interventions is then applied to clinical case scenarios.

Suitable for

Clinicians and researchers who work with young people in mental health services, primary care settings and other areas of health and human services.

Featured Experts

Dr. Jackie Curtis

Consultant Psychiatrist

Early Psychosis Program, The Bondi Junction Centre


Dr. Edwin Lee

Clinical Associate Professor

The University of Hong Kong


Professor Jo Smith

Professor of Early Intervention & Psychosis

Institute of Health & Society, University of Worcester

More information

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  • Introduction to physical health in early psychosis

    $66.00 AUD
    Including GST

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