

Implementing school-based mental health prevention programs

This toolkit provides information and practical tips about implementing youth mental health programs in schools.

Including student voices in school-based mental health programs

This toolkit provides an overview of the importance of including student voice in school-based mental health programs and what to consider for meaningful involvement in program design and rollout.

Program evaluation: laying the right foundations

Mental ill-health is the most common health issue affecting young people, with 75% of mental health issues having their onset before the age of 25 years. Whilst there are a range of evidence-based interventions and programs demonstrated to improve outcomes in young people with mental ill-health, it is a substantial challenge to implement them and maintain their quality in the ‘real world’. One way that we can improve the quality of mental health care provided to young people is to effectively make use of program evaluation.

Recruitment and retention of privately contracted allied health practitioners in youth mental health

This toolkit focuses on the growing privately contracted workforce in youth mental health and as such has three parts. It explores the factors influencing the recruitment and retention of privately contracted allied health practitioners, factors that may influence the service’s appeal to potential employees, and finally considers the strategies for creating a youth-friendly and welcoming environment. 

Tips for providing a youth-friendly reception service

This toolkit provide an overview of environmental considerations for reception or entry areas in youth mental health services. It covers both the staff training and basic competencies, as well as the physical space and processes that young people and their families may encounter. It encourages simple changes to the space to make it welcoming to all people.